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Here are the links I think you may need. I tried to join places that I thought would be cool for shopping. Either I shop there or someone asked me where to get something & where they can find the best price on it. So, I figured I could put the page together.

NOTE: This page is mostly under construction and will be for awhile. Links should all be usable BUT it will not look pretty (aka, not well organized, by category, etc.)

ActionAce Home Page They sell Toys & stuff like that. Anime toys, Star Wars, etc. Another toy store. They got #1 in the last poll for online toy stores (that I recall seeing). I have bought lots of stuff from them. OK, probably too much!

Home Systems: Great Deals from Dell
Dell actually has some fairly good systems. If you are not the type to build your own PC and troubleshoot it yourself, you ought to buy a pre-built system from a vendor that can actually sell decent machines. If you are looking for most bang for the buck (and have a limited budget), I actually recommend a Dimension 4100. The things that will increase your speed the most are a 7200 RPM hard drive and extra ram. I would actually go with a slower processor if it means that I could get more ram & a faster Hard Drive. Get atleast 128 MB of ram but I would recommend 256 if you like to play with images. I would recommend getting a CD-RW instead of the CD-Rom as you can get a CD-Rom pretty cheap if you want to do disk to disk copies later on. I would also make sure that the system is running a PC133 (aka, the 133 MHz bus speed). Celerons of a similar speed are crippled by a bus speed of 66 MHz. (in my opinion anyways, and all of the benchmarking that people do too...). Get web hosting here.


Here is a link to the Anime Store

Handspring Store
I won my Handspring Visor Deluxe at Fall Comdex 2000 and absolutely love it. If you are the type of person that likes electronic gadgets, or you live by your dayplanner (or both), you will love this. I could not get into carrying a large planner as I always wanted to put it down. The Visor is small enough that I can keep it in my pocket. I have not played too many games on it yet but I am looking in to it. This has eliminated having TONS of scraps of paper floating around that I normally loose. I have finally centralized my calendar & addressbook/phonebook and have thus far not lost any numbers and also been able give myself reminders to do stuff (like call people on their birthday, if I could find their B-Day to enter into it...).
In Association with
(books & stuff)

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(software) - FREE Coupons & Deals for Books, DVD, Music, Food, Toys & More! Deals are good. I always hate to overpay for anything. I usually check sites like this one to see if they have any coupons to save me $$$ or deals listed on stuff I am looking for.
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