Free Money
   Free Money



My goal with this page is to give you a list of free programs that give you money. I have broken them down to several sections:

Get paid to join
Get paid to surf
Get paid to listen
Get paid to read
My advice
Free DSL
Vote for me & Visit the Top 50 Paid to Surf Sites!
Get Paid to have a site

2 programs that pay you to refer friends:

Paypals is an online pay service. You can use it to pay people you owe $$ to instead of writing a check.Here is the link to join paypals. This pays you $10 to join & $10 per person that joins under you. (up to some limit, can't recall what but it is probably higher than I will have to worry about) is like a reverse E-Bay. Basically, you enter what you want to buy & vendors try to beat each other to give you the best deal on said item. Here is the link to join This pays you $5 per person for the first 20 & $2 per person after that. There are also 3 levels. Seems pretty cool.

How to
To Surf The Web!!!

There are several companies that will pay you to surf the web (and/or chat and/or read ads sent in your email). They display a small ad somewhere on your desktop when you're connected to the internet and give you a percentage of the advertising revenue they receive (or the just pay you hourly). You can earn even more by referring friends and getting paid when THEY surf the web. Sign up for all and make even more.

The links to the programs are below. Then I have some advice on using them. Take it or leave it. Up to you. I also commented on the various programs and what I think of them.

If you wanna join the program, click on the program's name to sign up!

Companies I joined and have something to say about them:

AllAdvantage My ID : aly798 Pays now!

This is the oldest (started 3/99, which is when I joined), the biggest (over 3 million members) and the best funded ($33,000,000) company, the mother of them all. They are also the only company that has already sent out actual checks to their members. AllAdvantage pays $0.50/hour, plus you get $0.10/hour for direct referrals and $0.05/hour for 4 levels of indirect referrals.

I like this one the best of all of the ones I have joinded so far. Why? Cause you actually make what they say. No worries about ad rate fluctuations. And I have made the most off this one so far... I made $49 in the month of January with potential to hit over $110 if all of my referrals surfed the web. October I made $27 with only like 5 direct referrals & several indirect referrals. (can't recall the exact number)

GetPaid4 My ID : rsheldon Pays now!
This is one of the more recent ones that I joined but I really like it. The reason I like it is because you are not tied exclusively to web surfing. You can be doin ANYTHING you want, as long as there is the viewbar on your screen & you have mouse movement. GetPaid4 pays around $0.50/hour, plus you get like 5% of what your referrals do for 7 levels of indirect referrals.

I like this one cause you don't have to be surfing the web. You can be working on an art project in photoshop or retouching a photo or even writing a paper, ICQ-ing others or writing email. The only down side is the rate flucuations. In December, the rate was $.55 and in January, the rate was $.48... They aim for $.55 or higher but don't always get it.

Click here to download the viewbar
(after you sign up for an account) You may need to use that link if their pages don't have it again (I had a hard time finding how to download it at one point which is why I am adding this.)

ClickDough My ID : rsheldon Pays now!
This is the most recent one I joined. ClickDough seems cool cause it is OS independant. It pays you a percentage of the revenue, plus you get 20% of the revenue your direct referrals make and 10% of the money their direct referrals make and 5% of the money the remaining level (up to 8 levels) for all of the rest of the indirect referrals.

I like this one the because it is OS independant & even works on Linux & Mac OS. The only thing I dislike is that it keeps shifting the focus to the browser window with a banner ad in it. We will see if this is cool. Oh yeah, UNLIMITED usage!
BePaid My ID : 10472575 April
This is the most recent one I joined. BePaid seems cool cause it claims a really high pay rate. $20 per hour!!!!! You will get a % commission of every user who registers through you, and a % of every user who registers through your referrals.

That seems to be pretty cool to me considering that you supposedly get $20 per hour. You can supposedly make like $100 an hour even.
surfing2cash My ID : 98750 March 20th 2000
This is one of the more recent ones I joined. surfing2cash seems cool cause it is suppose to pay better than AllAdvantage. It pays you $.60 per hour & $.05 per hour for direct referrals & several levels below that of indirect referrals.

However, I dunno if the beta is just broken or what the deal is but I keep having to log in like every minute. And it keeps starting up IE (unless IE is running). I am less than thrilled with it in the current state but it is a beta so I will cut them some slack as they are supposedly going to fix these problems.
Spedia My ID : 113670 Pays now!
Spedia is already paying; it is already available internationally; and it lets you earn money 3 different ways. You can earn money by surfing; by using their URL redirection service; and by changing some of the URLs on your website! They pay around $.48/hour for yourself, and 25% of your direct referrals' earnings.

However, it is a pain in the butt to use cause it tends causes lag in your connection while it is waiting for the next ad and it also times out like every 30-45 seconds if you are not moving the mouse. You litterally have to keep moving the mouse while you are reading what is on the page. Also, I have not been able to connect to their servers for about a month and a half.
GoToWorld My ID : 1026770350 Pays now!
GoToWorld is one of the currently paying companies. The pay rate is $0.40/hour, and $0.10-$0.20/hour for up to 3 levels of referrals. You can download many fun plugins from their site. I think this one is kindof weak cause it really does not pay that well. It is based on what their advertizers pay and ad rates have been going down.

Online chatters take note: They pay you to chat too (dunno much about it since I don't use chat myself, check their site for info)
DesktopHorizon My ID : rsheldon
DesktopHorizon offers one of the best payrates: $.60/hr for yourself, $.05/hr for direct referrals, 2nd, and 3rd levels, $.10/hr for level 4, and $.15/hr for level 5. As of 03/24/2000 this one is not yet available to me. Supposedly, they have been releasing it to people who fit their demographic profile.
Epipo My ID : rsheldon
Epipo is one of the older companies; the adBar should be released this fall. Their payrates are among the best: $.60/hour for yourself, and $.10/hour for 5 levels of referrals.

As of 03/24/2000 this one is not yet ready. I am hoping to get them soon as possible as they look cooler than alladvantage (aka, they pay more).
UtopiAd My ID : 218331 Pays now! (for me anyways)
There's also no hours limit. 4 levels of referrals; the rates are based on their advertising revenue. This one is not coming close to living up to my expectations.

I have started to use it and to date (as of 3/24/00) I am only up to $0.74. Clearly, this is not cool.

Visit the Top 50 Paid to Surf Sites!

Other Companies

These are companies I joined but have not really looked at yet. If you join them and they are cool, let me know. If they suck, let me know. I will remove anything that really sucks.

Company My Referral number/member name/info:
AllCommunity rsheldon
DotAd 306986

Get Paid to listen! This company pays you to listen to streamed music. Pretty cool if you ask me. 4 levels of referrals. Free Music, here I come... My referral info: islack.

Get Paid to read!

You can now get paid to read email. They give you a free email account and they pay you to read mail. Get $10 free just for joining!!! Please use my referral info: FBE-395

Get Paid to have a site! This place pays you to have pages hosted at their site. you get a with ( in my case). and you get paid cause they put a banner ad at the top. 25 MB limit. You get paid like $1.25 per thousand ad banners shown. And you also get a small downline (can't recall how far down). Please join under me via this link:
In my case, I basically put up this page on terrashare. Nothing else. I will proably start to throw up scans of checks I get (if I remember to scan them) on that site too but as of right now, I have not.


Here is my advice on using them:

  1. Use it from work (if it is allowed). Like you really care what they see you doing at work (assuming you are in a normal office with nothing to hide)

  2. Only use it while you are browsing sites you don't mind them knowing about. I use these when I am browsing slashdot, zdnn, macnn, and a few action figure (aka star wars figure) sites. If you have ever met me, none of this is a suprise. And, like I am going to buy expensive junk. I surf the net & know how much something should cost. If you offer a better deal on something I was looking to get, I will buy it from you. If not, I won't.

  3. You can tell people about this but don't push it. (Duh!) Just show them your check & tell 'em how you got it. I hate salesmen who will not take NO as an answer. If you are pushy, NO ONE will listen to you. Get a clue and mellow out.

  4. Make a list of the places you signed up for and email it to anyone that spams you. If they send you a mail to join some program to make $$$, send them one right back. This is especially effective when they are not already a member of these programs. I have found that people who are likely to send out mail about programs they are in are very likely to sign up. This has actually worked for me. Pretty funny if you ask me.

  5. Don't worry if you don't make lots. These programs are all just starting... a few dollars here and there is cool. It adds up and if you got a large monitor (17" or larger & run it at 1024x768 or larger, it really does not mater.

Free DSL?

Here is a link to get freeDSL:,12116,507&.exe Right now, they are planning on having the rollout in April. But, you can earn "points" now that are going to be good for discounts eventually but for now, they are only good for entries into drawings for prizes like palm pilots. They are earned via another little banner on your screen.
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