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Possible Boba Fett variation?

OK, Here's the situation. I was in Target and looking in Toys when I saw 4 of the 300th edition Boba Fetts.

I was picking them up individually to compare them and noticed that one of the 4 did not have Yellow on the side of the helmet. From the pictures I have seen online, I did not recall him having any yellow on the side so at first I thought the yellow was a mistake. I bought one of each (the only non-yellow one I found) and the best painted Yellow one I found.

Here is where it is kindof weird. On the package art on the back of the box, you can see that the 300th Boba Fett figure does indeed have Yellow on the side of his Helmet. I was at home so I started surfing the web to see which is the correct version. Of all of the images I found on the web, none of them had yellow on the side. I had previously bought one the day before Christmas and this one had the yellow too. Ok, now I am sort of confused.

Does anyone know if the lack of yellow is a running change to correct the figure? Or did I accidently find an error?

Anyways, below are images. Please feel free to check them out. I have completely uncompressed versions if you click on the smaller images. those are like 300+ KB so I don't recommend trying to open them if you are using a 56K modem. (unless you don't mind waiting that is)

Boba Fett: No yellow on the side of the helmet

Boba Fett: Yellow on the side of the helmet
Sorry the image is blurry, will try to remember to photo it again later.

Boba Fett: Side by Side comparison

Feel free to use the images, just please give me credit for the find. Thanks!

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