OOM-9 Variation
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Here is a pict of the OOM-9 Variation. You can click on the image to load up a larger .jpg file that I cropped the image from. I was playing with a digital camera from work and the flash sometimes helped and other times it hurt. This variation is found in the OOM-9 figure. Just what we all need. Another variation. Additinoal note: Both versions (painted and unpainted left knuckles/joints) shipped on .0000 cards. Additionally, the datestamp on the cards is the same, 91511 which means they came out of the same batch.

Darth Maul, lightsaber end (new one) Darth Maul, lightsaber end (original one)
This first image is of the first OOM-9 I found at the store. The second image is of the second one one I bought for a friend. If you look closely, you will notice that the second one I bought has painted joints/knuckles where the first one does not. Additinally, you can see how the thumb is bent in inside of the binocs.

Darth Maul, lightsaber end (new one) Darth Maul, lightsaber end (original one)
Here is another snapshot of it. As you can see, the one on the left has no paint on the hand joints/knuckels. The one on the right has the properly applied Silver paint. Also notice that the unpainted one has a thumb that is bent out of shape. Instead of gripping the binocs, it is being and being crushed.

This is a picture of the two figures with the variation side by side. Look at the joints on the hands. You will see that one has silver highlights while the other one is unpainted. The one one the left is unpainted while the one on the right is painted properly.

This is a picture of the two figures side by side. Unfortunately, the picture is kindof dark so it does not really show much. Besides, the variation is basically only visible on the left hand anyways.

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